Investing in our community and the next generation is the most important work that we can do for future growth and success of communities. The Community Child Care Fund sponsored by CultivateMN was designed to support families' needs for high quality and affordable child care across the Southern MN Community. Child care is very expensive and out of reach for most families, which prevents families from being able to work. We also know from decades of research that children thrive when they receive high quality and consistent early education experiences. 


The Community Child Care Fund is simple: Donors can make donations into the fund and determine how they want the funds spent. Do you want your fund to go in a specific fund for your employees? Do you want the funds to go into a general fund? Do you want to sponsor a particular family? There are many options for donors. Simply email to let us know how you want your donation applied.

Now is the time to make impact. Now is the time to invest in your community. 
